Monday, April 21, 2008

New Priorities

I have been holding back some awesome news from all you peeps out there. Today is the day I can tell all of you that my wife is expecting are 3rd child. We are so excited! We have always talked about having 3 and now it is becoming reality. We do want to find out what it is and will keep everyone posted!

There have been other developments that I have been struggling with the past month or so. The company I work for is now downsizing and moving to Grand Rapids, Michigan on or around July 1 (which just happens to be my birthday). I was offered a position there, but I will not leave Rhode Island or the Northeast. Nothing against Michigan, but there is nothing like New England. With that said, I have decided to alter my training and race schedule since my top priority right now is to find a new job. If all goes well my first triathlon will be the 3rd Annual Ocean Community YMCA Triathlon in September. I still plan on a few 5Ks and the Blessing of the Fleet 10 Mile Road Race in July.

So that’s it in a nutshell. Congrats to all of those who completed the Boston Marathon today!

Happy Monday!


Michelle said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very exciting news!!!!

Good luck with the job search, too. I hope you find something quickly.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the third little one on the way. We have three...and the reason we have three is because we don't want four. ;-)

Sorry to hear about the job situation. I hope you find an even better one. I can understand not wanting to leave. I would change jobs in a second rather than leave Phoenix and our home.

GetBackJoJo said...

Wow! Big news! Welcome to the 3 baby club! It's the best! The third one is a piece of cake b/c you two are veterans now!
Sorry to hear about the job. I'm glad you're committed to staying here, though. There's nothing like New England.

Sherry said...

Congratulations, Shawn! A new baby! So exciting!

I don't even live in New England, but having visited many times (native New Jerseyer here), I do agree... there's no place like it! Jobs will come and jobs will go... celebrating life with your family in an area that you love is priceless.