Friday, December 7, 2007


Boy its funny how a week can fly by during this Holiday season. Went out for a 5 mile run around town today. I thought about running on the bike path but I just enjoy running through town. Don't get me wrong, the bike path is very beautiful, but there is something about people watching me run, kinda gets me motivated and keeps me going. The temp wasn't too bad today. It was probably around 35 degrees. I should have waited to run tomorrow when the forecast calls for 45 degrees.

Tomorrow I plan on getting up in the morning and heading down to the Y for a swim. I have a goal to swim 1000 meters tomorrow. That would be the largest distance yet!

So I have been thinking about what Garmin I should buy, the 301 or the 305. I know both have all the features I would need and I can care less about the size or the 301 over the 305. It basically comes down to cost. Both units get great reviews so I am leaning toward the 301. Plus I have found a few on Ebay that are under $100 for the 301. I should be careful about buying electronics from Ebay, but I figured if I could score a 301 for under $100, it might be worth it. I am still thinking about it.

Other then that, lets see....not much else is going on. I am still trying to decided what races I want to do next year. I know I will be entering a few 5Ks, the Blessing of the Fleet 10 mile race and probably a half marathon. I am still working on the Triathlon schedule. It kinda sucks that most of the early triathlons are either in Mass or Conn. My current thinking is that my first Sprint will be the Mystic River Valley Triathlon in June. I need to keep my schedule open for July 13 so I can watch the Rhode Island 70.3 Ironman and July 20 so I can head up to the Lake Placid Ironman. Both of those events will definately be awesome events!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!