The day was finally here. After a morning or making sure I had everything I need, double and triple checking my list, I was off to the race. You couldn’t have asked for better weather clear skies, little wind and no humidity. I got to the race area around 10:00. The race didn’t start until 11:00 but I wanted to get there early. After check in, I set up my bike in transition and then walked around checking out all the other cool bikes. I went into this race with a few goals in mind. The first goal was to simply finish the race. Second would to finish the race in less than 2 hours and the third, to run the 5 miles in under 50 minutes. Before I knew it, it was 11:00 and the race was about to start. After some announcements and a picture we were off.
Like the other races before this one, I started in the back knowing that a lot of these people are much better runners then I was. As it turned out, I passed a few people and only couple passed me in the beginning. There were no mile markers on the course so I just went by my previous split times to figure out were I was on the course. So for the first mile or so I felt really good. I set a comfortable pace for myself and even passed 2 people, YEAH! Starting from the back you can really see how the group of runners really spread out over time and people settle into there runs. I was with the same group of people the whole 5 miles. A fellow blogger and future Triathlete Michelle ran past me just before mile 2. I tried to keep up, but she is definitely a much stronger runner then I am. There was a water station around the 2.5 mile mark which I decided before the race I was going to walk through. I grabbed 2 cups of water, downed both and I was off again. From there to the end I really didn’t keep track of my time. I was just trying to stay in my rhythm. Within the closing mile or so I focused in on a guy and a girl that was just in front of him. I wanted to pass them before transition, so I kicked my butt in gear and passed both of them right before the entrance into transition. 5 mile run – 47:32 Goal Complete!
Transition went fast. I sucked down a vanilla Cliff Shot gel, drank some nice ice cold water, put on my helmet and was off. The coolest thing happened when walking with my bike to the bike start, someone yelled “Go 157!” How cool was that! Someone was cheering for me. What a boost that was. I grabbed my bike and lifted it over the guard rail and was off. I did that because there was a huge puddle at the exit out of the parking lot and I didn’t want to have a big line of mud going up my back.
At the start of the bike ride my legs felt great. I was totally expecting them to be screaming in pain or really tight, but everything was good. Around the first mile, the girl I passed right before transition passed me and I didn’t see her for the rest of the race. Around the 2nd mile, the race leader blew past me like I was standing still as he was just starting his 2nd lap. I would have to say the bike portion of the race went by pretty fast in my mind. I was mostly alone for the 2 laps. I probably passed 2 or 3 people who were on mountain bikes. I told myself I would take it easy on the first lap and then try to kick it up on the second. Once I started my second lap, I could feel the energy slowly slipping away. I just kept thinking to myself, just finish under 2 hours, just finish under 2 hours. With a mile to go I gave it everything I had. Coming up to the finish line I saw Kim and Brady also Michelle and her husband Scott cheering. Its so cool hearing people cheer for you. 16 mile Bike – 58min 25sec, with a total race time of 1:47:37 including transition. Goals Completed!!!

I had nothing left after crossing the finish line. After my first 5K I felt like I could have run harder, but after this race, there was nothing. I left everything on the course. I came in 65th out of 80. Not bad for my first multi-sport race. There is room for improvement in both the run and bike which I will start working on ASAP.
Like the other races before this one, I started in the back knowing that a lot of these people are much better runners then I was. As it turned out, I passed a few people and only couple passed me in the beginning. There were no mile markers on the course so I just went by my previous split times to figure out were I was on the course. So for the first mile or so I felt really good. I set a comfortable pace for myself and even passed 2 people, YEAH! Starting from the back you can really see how the group of runners really spread out over time and people settle into there runs. I was with the same group of people the whole 5 miles. A fellow blogger and future Triathlete Michelle ran past me just before mile 2. I tried to keep up, but she is definitely a much stronger runner then I am. There was a water station around the 2.5 mile mark which I decided before the race I was going to walk through. I grabbed 2 cups of water, downed both and I was off again. From there to the end I really didn’t keep track of my time. I was just trying to stay in my rhythm. Within the closing mile or so I focused in on a guy and a girl that was just in front of him. I wanted to pass them before transition, so I kicked my butt in gear and passed both of them right before the entrance into transition. 5 mile run – 47:32 Goal Complete!
Transition went fast. I sucked down a vanilla Cliff Shot gel, drank some nice ice cold water, put on my helmet and was off. The coolest thing happened when walking with my bike to the bike start, someone yelled “Go 157!” How cool was that! Someone was cheering for me. What a boost that was. I grabbed my bike and lifted it over the guard rail and was off. I did that because there was a huge puddle at the exit out of the parking lot and I didn’t want to have a big line of mud going up my back.
At the start of the bike ride my legs felt great. I was totally expecting them to be screaming in pain or really tight, but everything was good. Around the first mile, the girl I passed right before transition passed me and I didn’t see her for the rest of the race. Around the 2nd mile, the race leader blew past me like I was standing still as he was just starting his 2nd lap. I would have to say the bike portion of the race went by pretty fast in my mind. I was mostly alone for the 2 laps. I probably passed 2 or 3 people who were on mountain bikes. I told myself I would take it easy on the first lap and then try to kick it up on the second. Once I started my second lap, I could feel the energy slowly slipping away. I just kept thinking to myself, just finish under 2 hours, just finish under 2 hours. With a mile to go I gave it everything I had. Coming up to the finish line I saw Kim and Brady also Michelle and her husband Scott cheering. Its so cool hearing people cheer for you. 16 mile Bike – 58min 25sec, with a total race time of 1:47:37 including transition. Goals Completed!!!
I had nothing left after crossing the finish line. After my first 5K I felt like I could have run harder, but after this race, there was nothing. I left everything on the course. I came in 65th out of 80. Not bad for my first multi-sport race. There is room for improvement in both the run and bike which I will start working on ASAP.
It was a great race and I can’t wait to do it again next year. Next year – 1 hour 25 mins!