Tuesday, February 26, 2008


This will be a short post. Nothing much has been going on. I have gone to PT a few times and I can definitely feel a difference. I think it is a combination of PT and the new sneakers. I have felt little to no pain for the past week which is very encouraging. I can't wait to start running again. I really miss it.

On Monday I went to the Y to hit the weights and pool. It was my first real workout in a few weeks and it felt really good. Tomorrow I plan on trying out the stationary bike. My PT guy said I should use little to no resistance and I should be ok.

Anyone else in the Northeast ready for Spring and Summer?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Retrocalcaneal Bursitis

Thats what the PT guy said I have. Not Achilles Tendinitis, but Retrocalcaneal Bursitis or Achilles Tendon Bursitis. Most likly caused by my over pronation and low arch. So he gave me a few stretches to do and told me to ice it for 7 mins 2X a day. Also, he said I should get new running sneakers, motion control running sneakers. So I went to the local shoe shop and picked up a pair of Brooks Addiction™ 7. I have been wearing them all day and what a differance! These shoes are awesome and my left ankle has not hurt at all since I put them on (KNock on wood). I go back to PT tomorrow. I want to see this guy (David) as much as I can since his specialty is running mechanics. Tomorrow I hope to get to the pool and swim a few laps. I am feeling much better and should get my butt back to the Y!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I have been deathly ill since last Wednesday. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. Not a good way to spend a long weekend. Today was the first time I felt better. I still have a cough but it is definately going away.

Since I was sick I missed my PT for my ankle/Achilles tendon. So I will be going tomorrow for my first appointment. I really can't wait to get started. It hurts just as much now then it did a month ago. I really miss running and I hope to be back on the road soon.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Lets Just Go Swimming

Update on my achilles: Nothing has really changed. It is still sore, but not as much. I have been using the arch supports and I guess they are working. I just can't wait to go the PT on Thursday. So in the mean time I will be hitting the pool and bike.

I have been really enjoying my time in the pool lately. I met this other guy in the pool last week who is also training for his first Sprint Tri this year. We have been talking about about drills and breathing and other swim related stuff. It is really cool when you find someone that you can relate with you. Today I did another 1500 meters. I think next week I am going to add another 300 meters to the workout.

I have a question for everyone out there, while running, how much money have you found? I know it is kinda of a wierd question, but I was thinking about how much I have found since I started running outdoors last May. I have found a total $66. A break down of three 20 dollar bills, one 5 dollar bill and a dollar. Now when I run, not recently, I find myself looking for money on the ground. Kinda keeps my mind away from the pain of running and stuff. Just curious.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Achilles Tendonitis

The Doctor said I have a minor case of Achilles Tendonitis which was probably brought on by my low arches and running form. I guess from what he said I should run heel-toe to decrease the stress on my tendon. I have always thought that was not good form, but I will go with what the doc says. I will be attending physical therapy 2 to 3 times a week. He also told me to pick up a pair of arch supports to help relieve stress on the tendon. I asked about biking and swimming and he said I can do both...YES! So for the next few weeks I will be hitting the stationary bike and pool.

Today before the Doctor's appointment I completed 1500 meters in the pool. I have been using the pull buoy alot since my tendon injury, so today I wanted to see how fast I could do 50 meters with the pull buoy, 50 meters - 52 secs. Ok for some of you out there the can swim like a fish, that doesn't seem to fast, but for me, it is my fastest 50 meter time ever! So I figure that if I can go that fast without using my legs, what if I used them, 50 meters - 52 secs. What does that tell me? I am still having problems keeping my body straight, head to high in the water which lowers my legs creating drag.....an endless list of possible things to correct. I will just keep moving forward and correct as much as I can.

Tomorrow I plan on riding the stationary bike for 30 mins and then hitting the pool for another 1500 meters.

Good day everyone!

Monday, February 4, 2008


Well it seems like I need to have a Dr. check out my ankle. Last week it was feeling much better, but then on Saturday I put on a differant pair of shoes ( I have been wearing my running sneakers for the past 2 weeks) and that night my achilles tendon and surrounding area was very sore. I will be contacting a local Dr. that actually completed Kona this year. I would think he would know something about running injuries.

I went down to check out the Super 5K road race this past Sunday. I really wanted to run that race. Actually the last time I ran was on that course. It was such a beautiful day for a race. I got there around 20 mins after the race started so I hung around to see Michelle set an PR of 23.30! WTG Michelle! Hopefully I will be able to run the 27th Annual CLAMDIGGER 5 mile race in April.

I really have been slacking lately becuase of the injury. I gained a few pounds also. That will all change this week. I jumped on the stationary bike today to see if there would be any pain. I didn't feel any but I am wondering if I should do that. So I figure it will be mostly pool and circuit workouts until I see the Doc.

Congrats to the Giants. I didn't think they would get it done. All the props to them. Bring on the Red Sox!!!