Monday, February 11, 2008

Lets Just Go Swimming

Update on my achilles: Nothing has really changed. It is still sore, but not as much. I have been using the arch supports and I guess they are working. I just can't wait to go the PT on Thursday. So in the mean time I will be hitting the pool and bike.

I have been really enjoying my time in the pool lately. I met this other guy in the pool last week who is also training for his first Sprint Tri this year. We have been talking about about drills and breathing and other swim related stuff. It is really cool when you find someone that you can relate with you. Today I did another 1500 meters. I think next week I am going to add another 300 meters to the workout.

I have a question for everyone out there, while running, how much money have you found? I know it is kinda of a wierd question, but I was thinking about how much I have found since I started running outdoors last May. I have found a total $66. A break down of three 20 dollar bills, one 5 dollar bill and a dollar. Now when I run, not recently, I find myself looking for money on the ground. Kinda keeps my mind away from the pain of running and stuff. Just curious.


Michelle said...

You have to tell me where you're running, because I have NEVER found money on the side of the road!

SM said...

I found $20 and a $1 going down the big hill on Broadrock Rd, $20 on main street and the other $20 behind the bowling alley. Actually now that I think about it, I found the $5 outside Cold Stone Creamery in East Greenwich. So I guess I didn't find that running.

Doug said...

Same here, never found any money. Do you run past a lot of banks or check cashing places?

SM said...

I do run past banks but I have not found anything near them.

Mark said...

Are you sure you're not a purse snatcher? Like Michelle, I've NEVER found any loot ;)

Duane said...

I have not found one cent! But then Im on the treadmill most fo the time!

GetBackJoJo said...

OMG! I have got to start looking for $! That's a lot to have found. I'm impressed. I have a friend who MUST pick up every penny he sees when running, even if he's racing. It's a luck thing.
Sorry the Achilles is taking awhile to heal. I so remember that feeling of juicy ripping (does that make sense?) when I tried to run with it. It hurts! But I took two weeks and got PT and it DID go away.
Take care.

Anniversary Moments said...

$$$ - now that adds an interesting twist to a workout - I think I need to start going on runs in RI! Or start looking at the ground more on my own routes.

Glad you have a pool buddy too - it does help to have someone in the pool who is there for the same reason.

Unknown said...

I've never found any money running...I'm probably too zoned out when I am to see it unless I trip over it.

We do have a guy here in Arizona who has a consecutive days running streak that dates back to the late 1970s who says he has found thousands of dollars over the years. As fast as he is, I can't believe he actually stops long enough to pick up a nickel.