Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Finally Coming Together

I had a decent run today. I was kinda excited about it. I started off doing some Nautilus machines and then a quick 10 minutes on the Elliptical before my run. I figured that should be a good warm up before my run. The first mile of the run was great. Then probably around 1.5 miles I hit a wall. I stopped and walked for about 30 secs and then started running again. Then I hit the wall again 4 minutes later. So again I walked for about 30 secs and then started running. From that point on I felt great! Breathing was awesome and my body felt great. I think I will stop trying to understand how fix this "Wall" thing. I am just going to keep running and I think it will work itself out. I plan on running again tomorrow. I normally don't do back to back running days so I will probably keep it under 3 miles, probably 2.

My first 5K of the year is coming up in 2 weeks. I am kinda excited about running a race again. My last one was back in November. If I didn't have my 3 month layoff from running due to my injury I think I would be setting a new PR in 2 weeks. But I am taking it slow for this race and hopefully I will not be hitting any walls. I have been averaging a little over 10 min miles on my runs lately. Pretty slow compared to where I was back in November. My running will come back and I know I will be better then ever!


Rachel said...

Hang in there! You'll find your groove and kick butt in your upcoming 5K!

Unknown said...

You did great! Don't worry about "the wall." Once your mileage pics up (take your time) it won't be there anymore. Very smart training. Great job!

Mark said...

Push through the wall bro...just keep on running ;)

Michelle said...

Stick with it- you'll definitely get back to your previous pace, and get past that wall. Patience, patience, patience.... you're doing great!