Tuesday, December 11, 2007


So over the weekend we saw Santa a few times. The kids are great with santa. I finished putting up the rest of the christmas lights, well actually 2 reindeer.

On Monday I wimped out and only went for a swim. It was too cold out and I still do not have proper cold weather running gear, so I didn't want to chance getting sick or whatever. So I jumped in the pool for a great 1000 meter. Of course it was not all in a row, 4 x 50, 3 x 100, 1 x 200, 2 x 100, 2 x 50.

As for today, I went to the Y early and did 10 miles on the bike,
4 miles on the elliptical and a circuit on the Nautilus equipment.

So there is not to much to talk about. Just going through the daily motions. Actually today Kim and I tried to take Brady and Reese's picture for our Christmas cards. They both looked really cute and it only took about an hour and a half to get a decent picture.


John said...

Great picture… very cute!

One year we tried the get the three kids, two dogs and four cats to sit still in front of the tree for a picture. I'm so thankful for digital photography... 50 pictures later we finally got one where all the kids were looking forward and the pets were sitting down... probably out of pure exhaustion!

Happy Holidays!

Kim said...

your kids are adorable!!!!!!

by the way, no workout scheduled for christmas? whats up with that :)

Michelle said...

Great picture - Reese looks so much like Kim! I don't even try getting pictures of the boys together right now - maybe when they're older....

I see you've added the Super 5K to your lineup - I'll be there, too!

SM said...

I have no workout scheduled for Christmas day becuase its Christmas day!

Steve Stenzel said...

Oh no, light up reindeer? Say it isn't so!