Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Another Day in the 60's

I could definately get use to 60 degree days in January. But I know it will be short lived. Tomorrow will be in the 50's and by the weekend it will be back to normal high 30's low 40's. I am still waiting for that one major snow storm. I bought a snow blower when we moved into our new house a couple of years ago and probably only used it 8 times. Plus snow is really fun when you have kids.

As for my workouts today, I ran 3 miles around town and did 1000 meters in the pool. I wanted to go longer on the run and swim, but I needed to be home at a certain time so I had to fit what I could in a short time.

So in the pool today I started working on drills. Drills are definately hard, but I managed to get through them. I noticed that when I used the pull bouy, that I actually was swimming faster, by a good 6 seconds per 50 meters. I thought that was a little crazy. So when I was doing my cool down laps I just tried to relax my body and allow myself to just float in the water instead of fighting to stay afloat and it felt like I was moving through the water better then before. Does that sound right? Or am I just way off on this whole swimming thing. Also, I felt like a snail when I was using the kick board. I guess thats normal, well at least Moonpie thinks so. I am really thinking about joining a Masters swim class. But I need to find one that is held on the weekend because I work 2nd shift. So I will be checking that out.


Michelle said...

The pull buoy definitely helps you swim faster - when you're using it, you don't have to work to keep your legs up, so it eliminates any drag. I don't know a lot about Total
Immersion, but I've read a few things about trying to 'swim downhill,' which I think is the basic idea behind Total Immersion - pointing your head and torso down so that your legs naturally float up.

Don't quote me on any of that, because I haven't done more than just some casual online reading, but it might be something to ask a more knowledgeable swimmer about - they might be able to give you some more pointers on it.

GetBackJoJo said...

Right--just like Michelle said. The pull buoy keeps your legs up, and so you become more streamline. When you're swimming without a pull buoy try to press your chest and shoulders down. Sounds weird, but it will lift your legs and you'll glide through the water better. Also, read Total Immersion. Big help!
I'm loving the warm weather too! Wish it would last... (although it's pretty darn ugly up here with the brown snow and the mud...)