Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bike Path Run

Went out for a 20 min run today on the South County Bike Path. It was such a nice day I couldn't pass up the chance. There were a few bikers on the path which made me want to break out the bike from the basement and hit the road, which I might do tomorrow. I ran a little under 2 miles in the 20 mins. Still really slow from where I was at before, but I guess I can't just jump back into running 8:30 miles after not running for 3 months.

So for tomorrow I might ride the bike to the Y, jump in the pool for 1500 meters and then decided if I want to take the Spin class tomorrow or on Friday. Guess we will see.


Michelle said...

I'm jealous that you were able to get out and run in that beautiful weather!

Not surprised you caught the same bug - it's going around at the Y, and I'm sure that's where we all got it. I plan on keeping the boys away from there for the rest of the week, just to be on the safe side.

Unknown said...

The running will come back, but it will take some time. You will get back to your previous pace in no time, I'm sure.