Thursday, January 10, 2008

Another Nice Day

It was another great day outside and I took advantage of the nice weather and went down to the Narragansett Pier to run the Super 5K course. It was great to have company for the run. Fellow South Kingstown resident and awesome runner, Chris joined me for the run. Thanks Chris for putting up with my 9:50 min mile pace. After running the course, I could definately see a PR being set for this race, as long as it is not snowing with 30 mph winds!

I also got a chance to use the 305 for the first time. I didn't have the heart rate monitor going but just to see what my pace was and how far I have gone is just awesome. I can't wait to really get into all the functions of the 305. As for a review of the 305, I will have to use it for a few months to get a good feel for this product. So far so good!

On my way home from the run, my left foot felt a little soar and when I got out of the car, it hurt to put weight on it. This was very weird since I didn't feel anything during the run. It doesn't hurt all the time, just when I put my weight on a certain area of the foot. Really crazy. So I will not take any chances and stay away from running for the next few days. So this means more swimming and spinning, which is fine with me.

Happy Thursday!