Thursday, February 7, 2008

Achilles Tendonitis

The Doctor said I have a minor case of Achilles Tendonitis which was probably brought on by my low arches and running form. I guess from what he said I should run heel-toe to decrease the stress on my tendon. I have always thought that was not good form, but I will go with what the doc says. I will be attending physical therapy 2 to 3 times a week. He also told me to pick up a pair of arch supports to help relieve stress on the tendon. I asked about biking and swimming and he said I can do both...YES! So for the next few weeks I will be hitting the stationary bike and pool.

Today before the Doctor's appointment I completed 1500 meters in the pool. I have been using the pull buoy alot since my tendon injury, so today I wanted to see how fast I could do 50 meters with the pull buoy, 50 meters - 52 secs. Ok for some of you out there the can swim like a fish, that doesn't seem to fast, but for me, it is my fastest 50 meter time ever! So I figure that if I can go that fast without using my legs, what if I used them, 50 meters - 52 secs. What does that tell me? I am still having problems keeping my body straight, head to high in the water which lowers my legs creating endless list of possible things to correct. I will just keep moving forward and correct as much as I can.

Tomorrow I plan on riding the stationary bike for 30 mins and then hitting the pool for another 1500 meters.

Good day everyone!


Michelle said...

Well, at least you know what it is, how to fix it, and how to prevent it from happening again. The best possible injury scenario, I think! And glad you got the ok for the bike. I enjoy swimming, but I think I'd get bored if that was ALL I could do.

Mark said...

Glad you finally know what the deal is and will soon be on the road to recovery! This is the best time of the year to be injured :P

Unknown said...

The arch supports I get, but changing your running form is often easier said than done...and it might lead to stess someplace else. I had Achilles problems for a year or so and then I changed brands of running shoes and have never had a problem with it since. You might want to try some different shoes to see if it helps. I'm not a doctor...but I play one on my blog. ;-)

SM said...

I won't be changing my running form and I will be trying some new running shoes.

GetBackJoJo said...

Yep. Sounds right. I had it last year. Not fun. The PT does help, and so does rest!
Take care-

GetBackJoJo said...

Hey--is it feeling better yet?

Kim said...

yikes, that is no good on the injury. but great job on the swimming!