Monday, September 10, 2007

Mock Biathlon

For today’s training I went to the bike path and did a 4 mile run and a 12 mile bike. I wanted to see how I would fare completing one right after another. The run was good. For once I found my rhythm right away. It normally takes about a mile or so to find my running stride and breathing. I ran the first mile in 9.41, Second – 10.03, third – 9.55 and fourth – 9.44 for a grand total of 39.24. This is a great time for me and I did not walk once.

The bike portion was a little slow considering all of the stop signs and cross walks I had to stop at. This was the first time riding the new bike. I put it together so I was a little nervous about really kicking it up and riding fast. But the bike was great. What a difference between riding a mountain bike and a road bike. After training I dropped my bike off at the bike shop for a tune up. I want everything to be ready for the race this weekend. As for the training, I did 12 miles in 50.30 on the bike for a grand total time for bike and run, 1 hour 29 mins (if my math is right).

What this showed me is that I have room for improvement in the run and bike, but I can definitely finish the race. Going into this weekend I have a goal of completing this race and a side goal in completing it in less than 2 hours. It would be really cool to finish under 2 hours, I mean it is a race and I should push myself to go as fast as I can and to finish strong!


Michelle said...

Hey Shawn - I was googling some info about the biathlon, and found your blog! In case you're wondering who this is, it's the Michelle who's in the MOMS Club with Kim. She was just here this morning for playgroup, and told me you're doing the biathlon on Sunday - I'll see you there!

And it sounds like you're really well-prepared - you'll do great, and you're really going to enjoy it. This is my fourth time doing it, and it was the first race I ever entered, and it got me totally and completely hooked on running and racing. I now have plans to do a sprint tri next year, too. This stuff is very, very addictive - as is blogging about it!

Mark said...

Let's see some pics of your bike bro!