Monday, July 9, 2007

Long 4th of July Week

Well the 4th of July has come and gone.... GOOD! It has been rough for the past week trying to stay on my "Diet" and not eat to much bad stuff. From my birthday on the 1st, the 4th of July and my 6th year wedding anniversary(Went on a Breakfast buffet cruise in Boston, lots of good food and desserts!) on the 8th, I gained 3 lbs and now weigh 232. So I am going to spend the next week trying to lose the weight I gained and jump back into my training schedule.

So for the past few months I have been eating powerbars before my bike rides or runs. So today I thought of trying those Cliff bars. Damn are they good!!!!! I almost felt guilty eating one. I had the Chocolate chip one and it was so good. So from now on its CLiff Bar all the way!

Today I ran a little under 2 miles, 2.7. I struggled with the first mile or so. It was probably do to the heat. By mile 2 I was soaked from sweat and couldn't wait for the run to end. So I pushed myself until the end of my run.

For food:
Breakfast: bowl of wheaties
Snack: a little slice of heaven called Chocolate Chip Cliff Bar
Lunch: small piece of pork chop
Snack: handful of peanuts
supper: turkey sandwich on Pumpernickel
snack: either some lite peaches or a yogurt.


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